Refund Form

This Form Build Using Form Builder Extension.

Please fill this form to take the refund.

By using this extension you can create the intuitive form for your store.

Buy and use this Form Builder and unlock its seamless potentials.

You have full control over this form content from admin. Manage it add the field, remove the field, change the sort order of any field, make them require, upload file. Do whatever you can think.

Opencart Developer wishes you all the best.

As a Customer Hope you like Form Builder Extension. Please buy this extension. click here to buy it.

With Love CodingInspect

* Upload file (Multiple File Upload using DRAG & DROP).

* Support Google Captcha & Basic Captcha

4 Refund Form Maker
First Name
Last Name

Order ID
Product Name

Purchase Date
Product condition when you receive it

Please enter return reason here... and upload screen shot of product.

Color Picker

Multi Select

Google Map Iframe
Upload File

Return Reason